




公众演是一种在公众面前表达的艺术。在学生学、生活和未来的工作中,面众多公众演的需要。公众演讲课程将帮助学生在合下表成功的演。公众演辩论都需要信心以及连贯据,但公众演在修辞和逻辑层面和辩论有着明的不同。秀的演者能表达,说服并取悦听众, 激起共


Course Objective 课程目标

Upon completion of the semester students will have: 完成程的学达成:

       Improved English pronunciation and vocabulary Continual practice with a native speaker and the importance of an advanced vocabulary for expounding a point ensure that students develop rapidly.


       Appreciation of rhetoric Students should develop an appreciation and understanding of how rhetoric works to persuade another that you are correct or worthy listening to.


       Ability to use rhetoric- Whether in a business or academic presentation, or even discussion with friends, the ability to persuade is essential. Students will learn techniques and practice how to apply them through sessions with the ambassador. 


       Understanding of when rhetoric is used by others The understanding and study of speaking devices means that students will not be misled by others and be able to draw their own opinion.


       Increased confidence standing in front of their peers to explain a topic before receiving praise and advice from the ambassador gives students an increased willingness and confidence with others. They will be more willing to advance their ideas and more capable of delivering presentations or other tasks.


       Enhanced research and memory skills to present a strong argument requires a strong command of the facts available, this will be practiced but the real art of public speaking is selective recall of the most relevant and persuasive points.


       Superior critical thinking Debate teaches through the introduction of new skills and practice the ability to think critically, to understand whether an argument is good and where its weaknesses may lie.
